Monday, August 31, 2009

A Night Walk

At 7:30 p.m. this evening, it was twilight, and night time was coming on quickly. These last days of summer go so quickly as the days shorten; just a few weeks ago I was still gardening at 7:30 pm.

Earlier this year I used T.V. as a way to persuade Jeremiah to sit long enough to potty train. But T.V. quickly became a habit before bed, and upon rising in the morning. It was easy to change the morning habit, but the night time T.V. session has taken a little more discipline (mostly on my part) to stay away from it.

These past couple weeks Jeremiah has rarely asked for T.V. and will quickly dismiss my "not now" and run off playing. Tonight I was tired, I so wanted to turn on the tube and let him enjoy; but no, our T.V. has miraculously stopped working! So I needed to come up with some pre-bedtime, wind-down activity.

Ah ha! A night hike! We dressed for the chilly air of a late summer evening, took out the stroller, Jeremiah, in his pajamas, climbed up and off we went! Our neighbors have a big open yard in which we could see the moon. Further down the road, we went to our favorite daytime hiking spot "the waterfall" and looked for stars.

Jeremiah commented "Mom, the moon is coming on a walk with us. There's not enough stars here Mom, let's keep going!"

He loved it and I have this feeling that perhaps taking a walk in the dark will help him appreciate night time more rather then have a little fear of it.

We could see our breath, and heard tons of animals in the forest and the swamp. It's a little cloudy, and we need to go out a little later for better viewing, but I think he is fascinated with the night sky.

As the summer wanes, and it's darker earlier, take the family on a night hike, or out the back door to gaze at the stars and feel the immensity of the Universe. Breath in the cool night air, pause; close your eyes, listen deeply to the sounds of nature.

As we spend more time outside at night, we will become more comfortable with whatever feelings come up. Breath deeply. Hold hands. Grow faith.

Turning off the T.V. and taking a break outside tonight gave me exactly what I needed; a break from the ordinary, a spontaneous moment of joy, connectedness, appreciation and faith.

I feel rejuvenated!

1 comment:

  1. Nature does tend to "refresh," doesn't it? I always feel better after being outdoors.

    I love that your son said this: "Mom, the moon is coming on a walk with us." That is so sweet, so childlike, so profound. It sounds like something my 3-year-old would say. :)

    I hope you are able to enjoy many more "night walks" together in the future...
