Thursday, September 3, 2009

A September Getaway

Jeremiah loves the beach.

Summer time beach trips here in southern Rhode Island can be very stressful during the tourist season... but now, after "they" have left we get to really enjoy the warm water, cool air, moist sand, awesome sunsets, and as we saw tonight, the full moon over the ocean.

I am very blessed. Many years ago, my grandfather bought a little cottage on one of the salt ponds that lead to the ocean. Since I was a few days old, I have been enjoying the beach by arriving through the ponds in a boat.

Tonight Jeremiah, my father, my step-mom, and I voyaged across the pond, scurried through grasses, and bushes of the sand dunes, finally arriving at the ocean for an evening dinner picnic.

The moment we saw the water, Jeremiah ran full blast into the crashing surf.

The sun set, and the almost-full moon peaked out from behind a gentle veil of clouds. As we drove back across the water, the moon came into full silver randiance, flanked by the cool blues of the night sky while the sun sank deeper beneath the horizon leaving behind the warm daytime hues of yellow, orange, pink and purple.

A splendid evening.

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